Happy New Year!
I hope I have the time to write one of those long posts I habitually do to mark special occasions like this. I find I no longer have the luxury of time to savour the full qualities of a complete introspection and am forced to cherish every second of my liberty with a sentiment verging on desperation.
Oh, before I do break out into a one of those, there's still yesterday to write about. Basically, I didn't do much to celebrate New Year's Eve. Lunch at the Sun with Moon avec ma famille plus les amis comme d'habitude sans Ying. Jeffrey turned up from some odd corner in Singapore after a very long while. It was quite a nice lunch before we headed off to Kino to shop. Saw Jo there attempting something unspeakable but at least she had a conscience, that or a very handsome Japanese. I bought 200 dollars worth of books after the 20% discount. There is the very fat and juicy Louis Vuitton book, a little primer on perspective and Le Rouge et le Noir in the original. Very happy. Met Debbie on the way home. Xuan's very good at balancing herself and I have the most long suffering friends all of whome endured the 30 minute wait that shopping at Zara entails. Did I mention that I hate Zara? Ok, now you know.
Anyway. Dinner was a family thing, well, with the addition of a few friends that my mother couldn't resist inviting. A most enjoyable meal consisting of potage de terre, roast beef with asparagus and mashed potatoes infused with garlic, chicken cooked in a mint and yoghurt sauce and to end the meal, an apple and mint souffle. Oh, and there was this most remarkable bottle of dessert wine.
Ok, back to introspective. This year has been a great year, seriously. I have lost a few friends along the way but not by the truckloads as I did last year and I think I've become stronger this year in more ways than one. While school seems a distant thing now, I really learnt alot from my teachers and my friends.
On that note, I want to thank all my JC friends:
Xiao Jun, obviously, for having been a loyal friend and ally through school and the petty affaires that a fruitful day in RJ entails.
Val for being innocent, sweet, for sharing food and talking about weird stuff and for just, well, being Val.
Sarah my lao po for being such a dear, for always being noisy and long sufferingly funny.
Candice the mean girl who became a dear bud and who has been simply great.
Kristine, for making me laugh alot when she accuses me of being a greater glutton than she is although we all know that is simply NOT true.
Dee for the fellow fashionista comraderie: NS will never change that!
And did you think I'd forget you Clare? Don't be such a dick XP.
Made my peace with Liyana, like, about time! Be strong, girl.
GERI!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry for not being able to make it but you're a sweet doll and I hope you make good use of the coming year.
Akesh, you suck for downgrading yourself to Pes C, shame on you but it's been a great year and you've been a great friend even though I always thought I didn't pay enough attention to my guy pals in 2006.
Bhavan for being a friend though I don't really talk to you much, you'll love NS.
James, wake up.
Darius, Darius! Look, I'm really sorry about 2005 but that really wasn't my fault (or it was but I'm refusing to admit to it) and you've shown yourself to be a much better guy than alot of other people I know so there, kudos to you.
Nick, I hope you grow up.
Stally, get a shrink, seriously.
Jo, in no way an insult for placing your name right next to the one on top, thank you for being a friend and for trying to be nice. You've scared me and made me laugh and made me angry in the course of a year and I'm not sure if you even care but hey, c'est comme ca.
Tong, my ethical anti-elitist snob friend. You've been a riot and though not a close friend, certainly a reliable one. May 2007 sustain your HAPPINESS. Just, erm, keep it to yourself.
Jing Heng, we've brooded our way through 2007 and I hope we haven't grown any more cynical because there's really no time for cynicism in youth. I hope you do really well, get a scholarship and go to Leopard Company which is just next to mine! Happy New Year!
Jessie, ma chere amie, what a remarkably short period of time it has taken, our particular amity. Through rats and rantings and compartmentalisation, through eulogies on my part and dark red nail polish on yours, through dior homme bobs and then your incredibly shrinking bob, here's to a new year and that we remain friends.
Shang, frankly, I wish you'd been accepted as a PR and they'd made you do National Service because it would have been so funny watching you talk to the sargeants though not as funny when you offend them and the platoon gets it. Happy New Year to you.
Victor. Happy New Year.
Everyone else in school whom I know either directly or vicariously but whom I can no longer remember because you didn't say hi to me or because I was too socially reclusive to make alot more friends, Happy New Year! OH OH, and my TEACHERS! Mrs Chia for being wonderful! Mrs Butler for making me laugh through every lesson. Ms Veera for also doing that, I hope 2007 won't be such a dark year for you. Mdm. Chitra from my secondary school who continues to inspire and to encourage me. Happy New Year!
Alas, the friends from secondary school who have been there with me through all this. Ying for being a close friend, never very active but always there for a chat and company. Tze Hock for his forebearance and his loyalty, you can always count on him and I hope I've been an equally good friend to him. Then of course, Xuan who has always been there whenever I needed somebody to talk to, when I need somebody to share my joy or when when I just need to unload something sad. You guys, I won't forget you.
Hew Ting, you too. I still remember you. You will be loved, even through a year when you're not here.
What I remember most about this year!!
My trip to Japan right after my exams.
My trip to Paris and London right before the A Levels.
Eating at Angelina.
Eating at the Raffles Grill.
Going to J8 for lunch in Clare's car and the whole bunch.
Candice's birthday party.
Eating desserts at Sun with Moon with Xuan.
Going to Chinatown with Candice and Kris.
Afternoon teas at the Fullerton, the Four Seasons et al with my mother and sister.
My trips to the tailor.
My acquisition of my beloved shoes from Ferragamo.
My birthday when Mummy sprang a surprise on me.
Reading and crying my way through the Time Traveller's Wife.
My first lunch with Jo.
Christmas dinner with my friends and family.
Post Christmas brunch at home!
Prom Night for numerous reasons.
The day I met Jessie, or How We Made Victor Angry with a Plastic Rat.
Shopping for clothes with Jessie and Shang.
The last lunch, and tea, and supper with Xuan, Ying and Tze Hock.
Falling deathly ill during Econs S.
Last minute revision for prelims with Clare and Xiao Jun.
Running over to J8 for food with Akesh during Math.
Running away from PE teachers who tried (unsuccessfully) to get me to cut my hair.
All the times when I stupefied the sales staff at any of the luxury goods store.
My second lunch with Jo.
The Econs and Fund Management Quiz where we got a silver instead of a gold.
Xiao Jun and me conspiring, now that was fun.
My one and only lunch with Victor where we ate, last minute, at Shashilik.
The night Mummy took me to Marmalade for dinner after a good massage.
The trip to Aspara after the As.
The nights Mummy and I spent talking and talking and talking.
Playing with my little sister and going through the PSLE with her.
Just being with my little sister on lazy Sundays.
Collecting her results with her.
Hearing that she managed to get to RGS.
Lunch at Beviamo's with Ying and CC.
All the nights out with Val and Geri or Sarah and the lot.
If there are more, then it is because I have been exceptionally blessed in 2006 and for that, I thank GOD. I remain still an anti-religionist but I do believe in GOD. I regret the slight drift away from GOD that 2006 has engendered but I believe in 2007, we shall meet once more.
Do I have any resolutions? Of course I do:
Get Silver for IPPT.
Aim for and hopefully survive OCS.
Read every single issue of the Economist.
Polish my French.
Create seven good pieces for my portfolio.
See my sister through her first year in RGS.
Still be close with my family.
Not lose contact with old friends.
Never lose my dignity or my pride.
Never let NS change me.
C'est tout.