Blank Doll pours the vodka.
Apple Brandy Sorbet turned out to be quite a success in the end. As anticipated, the addition of alcohol impedes the formation of ice crystals and results in a far smoother sorbet. The addition of sugar does this as well but I prefer my ices to be less saccharine and more bursting with flavour so the alcohol method works better. I had initially added too much alcohol which then called for the draining of the mixture. This resulted in an applesauce byproduct that I promptly made into apple ravioli. I made the dough out of some random measures and was surprised to find that it worked rather well. Pastas and pizzas are almost certain to follow this latest experiment.
Nigella Lawson's Welsh Cakes are quite simply amazing and they shall be served tomorrow with sauteed strawberries in vodka. On a side note, I think the combination of balsamic vinegar and fruit is divine. Look out for moutard des fruits, rare but almost certainly sublime if served with pasta, hazelnuts, sauteed dates and spices.
In the interim, get ready for men's fashion spring. We can only hope the season does not disappoint as last season did. The skinny tie came (hah!) and went. The climate renders shawls slightly impractical but Singapore is the air-conditioned nation so there. Leave the bad hankerchief jokes to Urban, check out the Singapore Shawl for cool raw silk shawls and handpainted floral shawls on woven silk.
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