Blank Doll calls to you.
Annoying: My bosses have been extremely irritating. I feel that they're increasingly unappreciative of the work that I do, as if it's a given. Well, they may argue that it's an nsf's duty to render service but rendering efficient service that is the product of years of training by my mother and a rafflesian education is a privilege, NOT an entitlement. Also, I cannot stand the way they finalise things at the 11th hour and then expect you to deliver. I mean, look, if you're so intent on dragging things then I don't see why I should have to follow your time so there.
Annoying: Somebody's decided to troop off to the farthest reaches of nowhere to seek Kurtz amidst his Inner Station and I'm painfully aware of her absence. Damn.
Gorgeous: Friday was great with sarah, kaimin and a whole bunch of random people. One day I'd like to get seriously drunk but until then, getting high with a group of friends is, as always, fabulous. Not so fabulous was the fact that I got home at 5 plus and had to go to work at 7. Dragged my half mangled corpse to work in last night's clothes and then had dinner with cand who is as sweet as ever.
Gorgeous: My birthday's around the corner. AND THIS STUPID FIASCO IS ABOUT TO BE OVER THANK GOD.
Dinner with Mummy tonight and seriously, I go to Elephant/Coral and Canele too often for my own good.
C'est tout.
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