The meeting began at 0900hrs. God welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them all for taking the time to attend.
Archangel Michael, Organising Secretariat, referred the Organising Committee to the minutes of the previous meeting (please refer to Annex A: OC Meeting 03/2666). After noting that Rapture & Transport Working Group had not resolved the issue of empyrean transmigration vis a vis purgatory en route to inner sanctum AE-7, God, Organising Chairman, requested that Archangel Raphael, Dy Chairman R&T WG pursue the matter and deliver an update at 1400hrs.
Archangel Gabriel, Chairman Security, began the meeting by raising the issue of DSOs (Divine Security Officers) with regard to the twelve Apostles. Given his stature, it had been decided that Judas was not entitled to a DSO while Peter had requested not to have a DSO allocated to him. Yelual, Dy Organising Chairman, opined that the Betrayal (refer to after action review by Matthew 08/0007) was a Type A Divine Necessity and that the issue had already been settled during the last council correct as at A.D 1005. He further recommended that Archangel Uriel, Head Protocol Subcommittee, look into the matter.
That was a very lame attempt at replicating the sort of mind numbing minutes that I do during work.
I seriously need to check into rehab for my canele sweets addiction. I cannot believe I bought two entremets, one royal, one matcha and five canneles today.
Work is tiring. Will update again later.
C'est tout.
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