Thursday, November 03, 2005


Oh my goodness, this is cool (ref: I can just imagine all the things this would be useful for. Like, hijacking somebody's body from afar! Yeah, I always wished I could do that- steal people's bodies. If only to wreck some serious havoc though at the end of the day, I'd only be content living in my own.

My message to everyone out there is: EAT AN ORANGE. I mean it even if Alps thinks I'm crazy. Go to your fridge, pick the roundest, orangest orange you can find. Peel it with your bare hands until all that is left is a singular orange with its skin ripped off and the pith shaven off. Then you tear into it and suck the juices out. Oh my, sheer bliss. Yes, it's been quite a while since the last time I tasted oranges. It's funny how I hate orange juice but love oranges. Nevermind, it's suitably inane.

Oh and do have a care to read E M Forster's The Machine Stops. I think it's a beautifully written tale of a future dystopia. There are broad slashes of irony and even muted sorrow. It was chilling and scary yet very fulfilling to read. I love it when authors take something as naff as fantasy or sci fi and turn it into something greater. In The Machine Stops, I believe the author was trying to highlight the human paradox. That is our urge to both reach forth in progress, and hence alienate ourselves further from the natural world and also our other desire to return back to a simpler, more primeval past. Go read it and discover it for yourself, quite a brilliant piece I think.

I think I've lost my travel plan thingie. Now the Ministry will never let me travel abroad and I'll be shot upon arriving at Singaporean soil after my travels. Oh nooooo, please don't kill me. Ok, sorry.

C'est tout.