yes, saved!
Oh, and Alps is evil for suggesting that we go kayaking. Yup, can you imagine ME kayaking? No I hope. Haha, and Tong is a complete baaaaastard for agreeing because he has from what I gathered. You people arh, stop trying to drag the wen luo shu shen into the sun. I might combust and light up the place in an incendiary flare of hot ashes upon contact with the first creeper of sunlight. Yes, I shun the sun. Big deal. My entire family is allergic to the sun. Trust me, sunrays can and will kill you in the most grotesque manner.
Dashed something off the Fei Ya last night and I was just wondering, how on earth is my family supposed to send me to design school and then my sister to law/medical school thereafter? Supposedly, we have enough money to do both and I would think that I'm supposed to contribute to my sister's share of university funds. Oh how unfortunate my family is, to have two children capable of going on to university. I really envy my papa sometimes because he's never going to have to worry about sending my bros to university. Oh and my sister can get a scholarship. I can't.
Which brings me to my next point. Is landed property really good investment? I seriously doubt so. It appears to me that there is always an element of waste in buying property and expecting it to be an investment in the long run. I mean, there is the fact that de-appreciation sets in after five years, assuming that the property has no great historical value or any other intangible value. Then there is inflation which though claimed to be nearly dead, will always be with us. To the extent of my knowledge which on this subject would be measly, the singapore currency does not appear to be really strong anymore so pending further weaknesses in the currency, property really doesn't seem like such a good choice. This is weird but from my point of view, property investment is most profitable in the short run as a form of speculation although as evidence has shown, property speculation can be deadly and harmful for everybody involved and NOT involved. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that there is value in owning property in a place where property rights are recognized primarily because there is the element of security and also because, well, your future generation might be making a loss selling that 19th century beaux-joie manor but at least they'll have SOME money for food. Haha, all in all, I guess buying and restoring property sounds more like a hobby than a livelihood.
Correct the blissfully misinformed and misguided here if you can. I'd appreciate it very much, just like you should appreciate it when I tell you that short, flared skirts are fucking ugly and no, having nice legs doesn't change the fact that they're fucking ugly.
C'est tout.
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