yes, you there
RJC is full of idiots, and not mere idiots, oh no, they're idiots trying NOT to be idiots but because of the fact that they ARE rightly, idiots, they tend to FAIL at NOT being absolute IDIOTS. Does it amaze you that most of them happen to situate in my vicinity.That's right. Didn't you say that mediocrity wasn't suited for you? Well the way I see it, you aren't cut out for responsibility either if you're going to push it onto someone else. Don't you even dare call me a hypocrite because other than Daniel and Darius, there is not a singular person that have not been helped by me in one way or another along the course of the academic year. Yes, so if you're just going to be selfish and stick to yourselves, fine. In fact do it, you're going to fare badly anyway. Trying so much harder yet still doing so horridly, I wouldn't have the face to come here if I were so bad at it. Well at least limit the damage to yourself and the people you like to call friends even if friends means you make them bleed a little every time they aren't looking. Such psycopathic insecurity, mark my words, is definitely a sign of mediocrity trying to trump itself up as capability.Really, I hardly know why I bother at all. What was all that load about unity and spirit? Utter nonsense, look at the Lone Scholar, doing himself good while ignoring the hopeless mess he has to suffer. Should have followed his example even though his presence raises such a stench of disdain in me that I'd much rather stay away. Well I'm not going to stand for it, die for all I care. Just don't ring up my number near the next exam because I'll be busy helping people who really need help.I'm glad I never believed in class spirit because truly, it's shit. I'm digusted, appalled and most of all, I hope my sister never turns into a horrid bitch when she grows up. It comforts me alot to know that at least she's not stupid. C'est tout.
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