Tuesday, October 18, 2005

shut up you stupid pisshead

Do care to remember thing ultimate thing I detest: Stupid People. It's a good category because by default, lots of other things and people I despise and pour contempt upon come under this. But today has been a fine example of how pissed off I can get when Stupid People make Stupid Comments about Stupid Things which simply reinforced their blatant Stupidity, nay, amplified it at the moment in time. Truly am I distraught at finding such Idiocy and Folly lurking within the wondrous sanctums that is our School. Yes, how I adore our staunch adherence to the elitism of meritocracy. How I love the smell of precious money in the air, the musk of affluence and the soft, golden haze of prestige that hangs from every doorway and corridor. People who thought I meant what I said ought to be shot. Then again, I guess we all react to Promos differently. Some rise by sin, others by virtue fall. No, don't catch me for misquoting because I don't care. I suppose reading the books before going for the exam would have helped but ah well, it's over. It's not the results that pisses me off but the nature of the Candidature that irritates me. Ok, I'm sounding vaguely Chia-ish again.
On to something else, a great wave of guilt engulfed me today in this miasma of disgust. Disgust directed upon my very Body which of course, prompted me to do certain things that took the last inch of energy out of me. No, Daniel, I refuse to run until November hols start. Ok, I'm sick of trying to create paragraphs. Fuck to you stupid HTML, who invented it anyway? Oh and did I mention that I'm dropping MATH!? WOOHOO!! Haha, suckers who still have to take MATH, take care. I shall take lectures with you people and sit in, maybe even do the tests but it wouldn't matter to me because i'm OUT OF HERE. Haha, please Parsons, be a dear and give me the fucking scholarship. C'est tout.