Blank Doll reads and crumples into a sock.
I love mornings yet detest waking up so early to meet the morn. Oh, and I detest the afternoon and the evening. Both horrid phases of the diurnal and that transitional period between day and night. Yuck.
I shall now attempt to read quite a few books. There is a book on Chinese style, a book on 1000 years of history, a book called 'collapse'- about why some societies collapse while others flourish and finally, a fiction from Le Guin called the Left Hand of Darkness. She's another sci fi/fantasy author that makes reading the genres worthwhile. It's sad when magic swords and fireballs no longer make you as happy as they did before.
Dead. Tired. Shall lock my PS2 up. It's taking over me.
C'est tout.
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