Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blank Doll smiles.

I shall have to stop sleeping in school now because I don't seem to have a mental clock built into my system. Didn't go for Econs S today principally because I woke up 22 minutes after the lesson had started and was too cowardly to face the wrath of Mr. Reeves.

What, I'd like to see you enter the LT 22 minutes late. For Econs S. For Mr. Reeve's Econs S.

I don't think there's anything worthy of note here save for the fact that I think I'm entering a phase of disorganization. This means that I shall have to screw up at something soon enough so that I get jolted out of this sense of calmness that has enveloped me for most of this year.

Things worry me even when they don't happen. Isn't that funny? I'm worried that some friendship I haven't been tending to could be crumbling as I write, that somewhere out there is somebody I could grow to care for who is shutting down from sheer despair as we speak.

Oh the horrors of knowledge. I'd sooner kill myself.

I just had a thought. Currently, academic stuff happens to be my work and I only indulge in the frivolity of fashion and luxury goods when I have the time. My future however, will rest in fashion and luxury goods being work. It'd be interesting to see how I manage to juggle everything because obviously, my mind will not atrophy and die from starvation just because I'm going to dedicate my entire life to the conception of luxury and sheer indulgence.

Be happy you don't have a goal in mind, oft it does seem that the most contented be the blind wandering youths.

C'est tout.


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