Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Blank Doll rushes by.

Sean was going to launch into a set or two of his usual burden after running 5km but realised that he really isn't that enthusiastic about working out if it weren't for the looming spectre of National Service. This does not mean that Sean does not wish to serve it, only that it will be one hell of a time if he doesn't brush up on his physical faculty. The truth is, Sean regrets skiving off for the past years and if he could, would really have taken up a sport or something when he was still young. The notion of Sean learning a sport at the age of 18 makes him laugh in an uneasy manner. Sean can be like that sometimes.

Au Jardin hates me. They've refused to let me in and insists on putting me on the waiting list for brunch, no matter the date that I want to reserve. Snobs, I bet it was because I was like "aw maaan, really!?" which on hindsight, probably didn't sound classy. Geez, for once I don't talk down people and I get snubbed. Damn it.

Point 1: I am very disappointed in Gucci. I think it has gone down the drain without Mr. Tom Ford and it will only be a matter of time before people realize what shitty designs they have come up with and jilt the brand. Remember, Gucci wasn't that shiny in the 70s or the 80s. In fact, it was nearly consigned to the dustbin of fashion history if not for the leather-clad knight and his Ray-Bans. Looking through John Galliano's latest collection has inspired me, largely because I saw the same slit sleeves, matching of velvet and leather as well as the long coats that were in my sketchbooks. Givenchy is a bore, I can't wait till I get my hands on it. Mr. Pilati seems stuck in the archives of YSL because I see the same colour scheme used by M. St. Laurent thirty years back on the runway. Death by retro is not a good way for a brand to die.

Point 2: Along with my obsession with Chinese luxury goods comes my obsession with cuisine and I just had a thought. Why can't we elevate tea to the same level as wine in the course of dining? You commonly have a few glasses of different vintages for different dishes, well, why not the same for tea? Maybe you start of with something light, then a mudan cha to go with the vegetables, something robust for meat, end the meal with a strong almost bitter tea then have dessert with a light flower tea. You know what I mean? I think a restaurant serving food tailored specially to a course of teas would be really interesting. Heck, you know you heard it from me first if you ever see somebody doing this. :D

Thinking about Mrs. B's tutorial today about Sparkish and the runt of the pack thing. You know, I more or less fit into that cateogry wouldn't you say? I don't do sports, I'm pale and suitably weak and I'm quiet and subdued. Then I realised something, I never bother trying to be part of the pack so I can hardly be called a runt. I like to think that I'm some wandering visionary blind to his surroundings. You know, the sort of people who marvel at a flower in full bloom with the smile of an idiot. But I'm not that either. I'm a tad too cynical for that.

I'm just me. I'm mean, scheming, arrogant, jealous, paranoid, power hungry, materialistic, vain, selfish, egoistic and amoral. But I'm also nice, humble, hardworking, courteous, selfless, responsible, loyal and honorable. Funny, how I can be like that.

Aren't we all?

Take care of yourself Daddy. I see so little of you. Thanks for calling me just now or I wouldn't have known.

C'est tout.


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