Blank Doll sleeps.
Tomorrow is the history paper but heck, I'll just get a B again. I think I'll try for an A during mid-years. Until then, you can all run ahead of me in your aimless scramble for striaght As and scholarships because Blank Doll doesn't really care now save for the fact that he needs to do well for his French and brush up his drawing skills.
Haha, yuppers, somebody can take the scholarship in my stead. :P Ok, that was super ego but nevermind, I'm supposed to be ego even if I have to pretend a sixth of the Humans people and a tenth of the Arts people don't exist.
So right, I shall bathe, go to the library to get my sister a surprise book and then start sketching. I hate it when I run behind time for my designs.
Xuan, come let me do the honour of treating you to lunch. Haha, you never give me the chance to be a proper gentleman you know.
C'est tout.
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