Blank Doll shouts.
Yesterday was great because I spent it at the Shangri-la having afternoon tea. It's really quite affordable and with the amount of holiday time left, I'd much rather do stuff like this then rot at home. The food was great, the 101 types of tea made me wish that XJ was there as well so she could drink the teas and critique them. Of course, when it comes to afternoon tea, how can I even forget the one and only xuan? Haha, xuan! Next time let's have tea together ok? My treat.
After which I went for a foot massage and so spent another hour there. Read Time and Economist in a misguided attempt to assuage my guilt from not studying. Oh well, there's always time for that.
Don't you wish time would just pass a little faster? Well no. I am looking forward, as perverse as it may sound, to NS. I can just imagine it, letting my mind be as blank as Blank Doll and letting the ego take over.
Today was spent waking up really early so I could take my sister to ballet at the RTC. We had dim sum there, ordering like six dishes and then a dish of delicious tenderloin and my favourite lotus leaf-wrapped seafood fried rice. Yes, I feel so much like a pig now.
Then mei and I went over to Daddy's place where we rotted for a while before going to get some new glasses for mei and I. I love my glasses. They cost a pretty sum but I love them alot. I can't wait to get them come next friday. Oh and then Daddy took us around the place looking for this tea place which we of course couldn't find because Daddy forgot the place. You know, I love my Daddy. I know it's not the sort of thing that guys say but when you've lived my life, you come to appreciate it when your father's around even if it's for that short while. I wished I could have spent more time with him but then I think of Mummy and, it's hard. Sometimes I wonder how it'd have been if it weren't so tough.
Yes, I've had a horrid past even if there were many flickers of light. It seems as if my entire childhood was spent making and shedding friends, gaining experience and memories until I finally emerge out of my shell to be what I was meant to be. I'm nearly there now, soon.
Oh and unbeknownst to everybody, Blank Doll being the intellectual masochist that he is. Ok, being the masochist that he is, is currently subjecting himself to the salvos of at least three people far older and so more knowledgeable than him in a discussion via a blog where he cannot possibly win. This is because he has taken the losing side which is perverse seeing as it's also the status quo and also because his emotions get the better of him. I am glad at least that at least one of the elders there do enlighten me and show me the other side of things without *ouch* attacking my a) naivete b) stupidity c) bombastic language.
C'est tout.
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