Friday, March 03, 2006

Blank Doll crawls like the veriest savage of them all.

Ouch, PE was stupid. Really stupid. Seriously, I do not understand why our teachers can't just let us play floorball or at least handball. Oh no, we've had to play water polo except without the water. Did you know what we used as water?


Yes, thanks to the excellent instruction of the teacher, we had to backcrawl around and as a result, I now have two huge blisters on both palms and one of them is now filled with blood. I shall lance the blood-filled one if only to escalate the pain.

Oh and besides that, I survived another seriously boring and weird round of History S and then managed to run for 24 minutes! Yes, that is the longest I've ever done at not-being-able-to-talk-without-dying pace. I think I covered something between 5 and 6 km, a seemingly short distance but a great leap for me.

je parlait avec mon frere un moment avant et c'est un peu interessant mais j'ai peur. Oui, j'ai peur de tromper. Ah, mais c'est pas grave.

C'est tout.


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