Sunday, February 26, 2006

Blank Doll moans and knocks his head.

I'm never getting drunk again. Really.

Last night was really great, Candice is sooo good at organising parties! It was at Timber, this little place that took ages to find. There was everybody! Akesh, Bhavan, James. Xiao Jun, Geri and VAL :D oh and Akesh finally found out about Daniel and somebodAy. Haha. Darius was there in a polo shirt as usual, so proving that he does have nothing to wear. Darius sayings: I've got extended arms shirt [a.k.a long sleeves]. Edmond was cool and STALLY was there! Did I mention THE GIRLS as well? AND Steven! We merged the tables and sat canteen-style.

Oh and the food was great. There was a chocolate fountain, source of alot of fun ranging from me eating spoonfuls of chocolate to Stally taking a picture of himself over the chocolate fountain. The beef was great as was the vegetables and the fish. I didn't quite like the chicken because there were beans but all in all, great catering Candice.

Music was great too! Haha, lots of music until I couldn't hear a single thing I was saying and had to shout into people's ears. Xiao Jun was angry with me for the entire evening :P because she thought I said she wasn't pretty. SORRY!! Haha, you were all very pretty especially the geisha Val! It was funny when Geri, Xiao Jun and Val walked into the dark alleyway behind because they looked like a slut, a geisha and a mama-san. Damn funny.

You're asking me when did I get drunk then? I'm not really sure. It was somewhere after the 5th glass of white wine when I then took one glass from somebody and another glass from the bar (so sparking off the only shit thing yesterday night, sorry Candice!). Well, somebody got a tequila shot and I took one. Then we somehow moved to the outside of Timber where I think we were all REALLY drunk except for Geri because we were all shouting and stuff. Took another tequila shot and then Val wanted to take two because Akesh was pushing, so had to take for her too. Gah, that was waaay to much. Sean is an alcohol virgin ya know, I haven't drunk since primary 6! But it was really fun, I've never had so much fun with the people in my class and now Val thinks we ought to all go clubbing. Haha, I think Candice should hold a Christmas party or something.

So it's morning and I'm hoping none of the cab driver's prediction comes true. I've been forcing water down my throat so it should be fine. Ah but it was fun, we are so doing this again.

C'est tout.


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