Friday, March 10, 2006

Blank Doll takes a shot.

Tong has just accused me of snobisme again. To better facilitate his accusations, I shall now attempt to construct a few portraits of people whom I do, despite my best efforts, despise.

Case 1

Working class Chinese man who probably spends most of his time at one of the industrial parks supporting the economy in his tiny ways. He may or may not smoke, but he is assuredly to be in the possession of little or no education. Fate has thus arranged it such that he must survive by the petty cunning that is the mark of a small man. He may feel extreme discomfort or anger at the fortune of others, feeling some sort of inferiority complex that is truly ugly. He haggles alot, tries to profit by the smallest measures and is resolutely stingy. He may or may not speak in dialects because the coarseness of his character is not what I despise, it is the pettiness of his character that disgusts me.

Case 2

She goes through life thinking that it is but a stage upon which she must display thoroughly her ineptitude at thrusting her mind in the right academic course. This of course, is mistakenly perceived as some sort of achievement on her part and she usually attracts people very much like her. She scorns the humanities and all forms of intellect, thinking that gossip and the dull monotony of teenage affairs to be far more interesting when in actual fact, she truly bores with the dullness of her cognitive capacity. It is worst if she is, thinks she is or tries to be popular because as Aristotle rightly pointed out- the masses are stupid and so will naturally like the stupidest of them all.

Case 3

The classical Singaporean Child. Refer to old LJ.

Case 4

He/She is contented to amble through life with no aim save for the determination and alarming skill he/she have in attaining the stature of a Perfect Parasite. He/She will stay at home with the parents for as long as possible, never do a singular thing that might conjure pride within the hearts of his/her kin and of course, make his/her betters acutely embarrassed of being even slightly associated with him/her.

Case 5

Did I mention that I dislike the petty sous-bourgeois that is a remarkable trait of many Chinese?

One gets the feeling that I am racist but the truth is that I am absolutely pro-Chinese insofar as Chinese refers to the hardworking, charitable, intelligent, insightful and cultured people who are shining emblems of this storied race.

Having said all this, you may now stone me for being a snob but you'd just be proving yourself to be either a hypocrite or belonging to the above categories if you do.

C'est tout.


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