Blank Doll stares at his stomach.
Before that however, it was a good day yesteryda. PE was ok since I wasn't totally useless as usual. I think our class is quite fun. Here I want to thank everybody who contributed to the baijing because your generosity is the sort of thing charity is made of. Who cares if you donate a few grands to organisations and call that charity, that's conspicuous consumption. Lol, people with only 5 cents in their wallets, I understand. :D
Today, I shall have to visit the doctor at Tan Tock Seng where he will tell me if I need an endoscopy. Notice I assumed the doctor's male, sorry about that! Oh and because of this, I'm not going to school. Increasingly, I don't feel a compulsion to study as much as I do feel the need to learn. So I get impatient when we revisit basic stuff over and over again, I want to stretch my mind until I go 'huh?' and I feel a need to discuss what I've learnt with people. The intellectual stimulation that makes me happy just doesn't happen enough I think and I fear that I'm growing dull with the lack.
Oh well, like, whatever. I also feel an urge to spend my time doing nothing but shop, take tea, laze about at kino, sleep, make little tea puddings and all the sort of sedentary things that gratify me. Oh did I mention preparing my portfolio? Haha, yes, I'm getting to that slowly.
Ah and before I forget. Edmond, I seriously need your help. Guide me, O exalted One, in the ways of Bit Torrent.
C'est tout.
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