Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blank Doll watches over the raindrops.

It does not matter, truly, it does not. You need not feel bad about it, well, that is if you did in the first place. I never thought it was anyone's fault, just merely that I can't help feeling this way. Ah well, it's over.

What am I talking about? This is ridiculous. I'm wallowing in self-pity, wait, that's a new one, yes, self-pity. I must say that this is quite embarrassing for me. You see, Sean does not like people to know how he feels about things. This is what he tells the world but he secretly suspects that this is like the equivalent of sulking and hiding in a corner while your T-shirt shouts 'LOOK AT ME!!!' Nonetheless, Sean shall try his valiant best not to look like some stupid moronic loser who cannot for the life of himself appreciate the wonderful things he have got going for him. No, Sean will not sit down with his head clutched between both hands, thinking to himself that the world is against him when clearly, the world is a most neutral place and occasionally, when Sean is up to it, even allies with him.

That besides, am I the only person who thinks it strange for a girl to treat a guy? Seriously, I wonder how this works.

A note on racism and Asian emancipation

Seriously to those of you who happen to harbour the notion that racism is a dead thing today and that it need not matter to us that the West still see we the people of Asia and the Far East as inferior, I say shame on you. Perhaps it is out of a certain complacency, perhaps but GOD forbids, it might even be a product of an Anglo-oriented education that has given you the illusion that mere education may arm oneself against such a notion as Western superiority, but I tell you, this is not so.

The world out there is wide and it is a sad truth of life that the wealth of the world is largely concentrated in the West. We still live in the cusp of an age when the rise of the West coincided with the decline of all Asia, it is not a thing of the past. You will ask me, so why should this matter? Because it is not meant to be so. I do not believe in equality, because I believe that we who are the oldest living civilisation do not have to bow before a culture so young their philosophers were knocking rocks together when our thinkers had charted the course of enlightened thought.

People of Asia, there is naught we can do but rise. We rise with our heads bowed, we rise with sweat upon our brows and caked blood embedded on our fingernails, we rise with the dignity of our forefathers who in their hubris and complacency, gave our dominance away. This must never be forgotten, we have learnt never to underestimate the West, now we must remember this even as we forge a new world order where the West is but the farthest edge of the civilized world, their darkness hemmed by the light of Asia.

There can only be a singular fulcrum of the world, and that is Asia.

C'est tout.


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