Saturday, November 12, 2005

Blank Doll wants to say thank you.

Ying and Tzhock, I really appreciate your coming yesterday. It meant alot to me. I'm glad I do have friends from seccondary school that I can still keep.

Ok, in retrospect, yesterday wasn't bad at all! In fact, I sort of thought that it was great. Nonetheless, I must apologize to Tong for boring the shit out of him because yes Tong, you did look bored. I guess I wasn't in the mood for anything yesterday. Oh it was cool. Yesterday, Alps and Tong arrived first with like, how many slices of cake from Bakerzin? Of course, because Tong did the Ethical Thing by holding the cakes instead of Alps, he managed to smash quite a few pieces but I still love the fact that you guys bought me cake. I ate like two slices for breakfast, shall leave the rest for dinner.

Then Ying came, and I had to break the news to her that all our seccondary schoolmates had pang seh us. She then told me about how her beloved class also pang sehed her. Haha, poor us. Oh and then we played mah jong because I couldn't think of anything to do. Gambling was out because Jeff wasn't around. At least we finally got around teaching Alps and Tong how to play mah jong. Tzhock arrived next and well, he paired up with Ying. As usual, my sister won. :D

Oh and all the food was prepared by my mother and sis, I'm so glad I have such a great mum and sister. My mother must be the best in the world. Ok, from my point of view at least.

Then finally Daniel arrived and my ma was soo happy because he practically finished everything. It was really funny.

Surprisingly, time passed and then it was time for Ying and the rest to go home. Alps because she had to plead with her Empress and Emperor not to lock her out of the house and disown her, Tong because he had to keep his dad happy so that he could spend the rest of the week loitering outside. So Tzhock, Ying, Daniel and I took the bus to Ying's house where we let her off. It was quite funny because then we walked back the way CC and I used to and we were talking quite a bit. His ma came to pick him up.

Oh and prezzies! The cakes from Alps and Tong. The limited edition FF10 watch from Tzhock (shall be all grown up and wear a watch now). The Famous Amos cookies from Ying. The fan and iron balls from Daniel (and the class? I'm quite sure the Duchess said something about a fan. Hmm..). They were great. Seriously. A sidenote: Am I such a pig? Why do people always give me food for my birthday!?

So yeah, to my secondary schoolmates, thanks for coming and for caring. It's nice to know you aren't all shits whom I've wasted four years trying to befriend. Xuan arh, I know is not your fault, but you still owe me a treat. Jeff, try not to TRAIN on my birthday dammit. Joshua, next year, next year. Hew Ting, I know you were there. Thanks for coming.

My JC mates, thanks for coming! As you can see, I am very anti-social. If I ever want to shoot myself in the foot by organizing another gathering, I shall invite you guys again. Knowing Tong, I shall have to get on is waiting list four weeks in advance. Alps is easier, just drag her away from her room at home can already.

Yeah, so my birthday wasn't spectacular but it was great. I really treasure my friends. Especially now.

C'est tout.