Blank Doll sings Happy Birthday!
On a brighter note, it's my birthday! Whee! I love birthdays. I hope I never reach the age when my birthday comes to me in dread. I am especially happy that I have made it through 17 years of my life. That I have repaired and mended all the little wounds and flaws of my childhood. That I have emerged from that stormy past with only the slightest bit of being screwed up. That I am now a confident youth who will go on to make his life something special and worthwhile. Yes, today, I celebrate life. It is life that I shall cherish even if I look always into Death to find those who have left us.
Thank you people, I mean, guys, who remembered. Haha, I'm always amazed at how many people actually remembers. Ok, granted I've been screaming at the top of my head 'IT'S MY BIRTHDAY DAMMIT, FUCKING REMEMBER!' but still. It's just nice. You people are so sweet and I've been so horrid. Argh, you make me want to puke.
Actually, I'm extremely happy that the people who remembered my birthday are the people who matter to me and not just any bitch and idiot who wrote it down in their electronic memo.
Ok, I shall stop being mean. Today, I am NICE.
C'est tout.
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