Blank Doll sits down and thinks.
So many people use the language with no thought, thinking themselves so good with the language. They speak witticisms that lack the very wit they were meant to convey, they use imagery without comprehending the full extent of meaning that a singular image has. When one describes a guy to be a modern Adonis, one seeks only to describe the perfection of his physical beauty. Yet Adonis was a god that shone most brightly, capturing not merely the epitome of male beauty but the potency of youth and the danger of blindess from being too enamoured with it. If you really want a god to describe somebody you think of as oh so fuckable (yes, carelessness with language infects me as well because I am an unwitting member of our current generation), why not Dioynsus? Come to think of it, why don't we use some obscure Greek god to describe a woman whose beauty far surpasses the ordinary? Why not call her a veritable Hera? It'd would certainly be much better than a vixen because Hera conveys not merely beauty and caprice, it shows a sort of power that is available only to a beautiful woman. Does the father of Paris Hilton know that her daughter is named after a man? The very man who contributed to the Trojan War?
How many of you know that anyway?
I'm not writing this to ridicule the current generation who thinks themselves so adept in the English language as to think it a prudent choice to discard the very language that is their birthright. I would love to but this is not the place for me to display the full brunt of my ranting nature. What I would like to highlight here is the number of people who confuses the vernacular with the language itself.
Does one look at a word, democracy, and seek to find the root of the word? To understand a word with greater intimacy? No. So why then would one think nothing of calling oneself good in English when clearly, that is nothing short of hubris? It is disturbing, the manner in which the sophistication of language has crumbled, to be replaced in its stead by a mere verbal conduit. We are reduced to using the language to communicate a tirade of whodunnit and statistics and sensationalism and fear. All these wrapped up in best-sellers and current affairs, trash packaged as popular literature.
Yes, we have killed the truth in the search for the bare truth. Truth was never meant to be presented in such a way, truth is that elusive essence that arises when we stir the broth of human thought. The things we do with language today requires no thinking beyond the basic sort. We have come to a dearth of sorts, of knowledge even as we are faced with information overload. It is altogether a tragic way for language to die.
Another indication that language has been stripped of its beauty is the way we use it in daily live beyond how we use it to communicate. Conversation cannot transcend the happenings of today or tomorrow or yesterday, it will not go beyond the inanities of daily life. Youths today think nothing of wasting words to convey nothing. Such a waste of words! People roll their eyes at others who cannot hold forth a social conversation. People can be so contemptible! You do not discuss philosophy, the fundamentals of life and existence, and the knowledge that history, art and science can give us because you do not have the ability to. You think it boring because you know nothing of these things. One would think that having the time of youth and the wealth of parents, one would use it to purchase a bit of refinement and knowledge.
But no. We waste time catching movies, talking about people(are you not sick of people? 6 billion of them!!), sex and what else? Oh youth is stupid indeed. People even more so because they do not possess the will to outgrow the stupidity of youth.
Yes, I am in a not-people mood today. Each word calls to me, every book sings a different song. When one thinks of the image of singing, what does one see? The swan song? The oscurra lingua? The aria? The libretta? Quel chanson? No, don't answer. You clearly cannot. I pity you. I hate you. I weep for you. Have a nice day. No, no more days. I'm sick of days. Enjoy your existence in human-form whil you can.
C'est tout.
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