Blank Doll slumps in a corner.
Early NS for me, Akesh and Edmond. *sigh*
Anyway, I heard something from Bhavan today which I found rather amusing. Apparently some JC guy got into a quarrel with a Poly guy over playing some shit computer game like maple story. According to him, the Poly guy thrashed the JC guy so the JC guy accused the Poly guy of not having to study and that his diploma was useless while the Poly guy called the JC guy a nerd. Haha, how amusing.
Just as not everyone in Poly is interesting, so not all JC people are nerds. I mean, would you like to meet just a small fraction of my school's people? Also, I hope the JC guy wasn't from like Serangoon JC or something like that because assuredly, if you have to go to a JC that ranks below Anderson, you're seriously wasting your time because I cannot foresee how you're even going to go into a university. We're not even talking scholarships here :D
Oh and shame on you if you happen to be from RJ for being so crass as to openly insult somebody's academic credentials like that. Anyway, if you play maple story for fun, you're shit anyway and deserve to die.
Something amazing just happened during Econs S. I think Mr. Sowden touched on something though I'm not sure if he meant to. For welfare of society to be even considered a goal, the liberties of the individual must necessarily be subordinated to the state. If this is so, then welfarism is the missing link between society and the state. I can't remember who it was who mentioned that a common error these days that people make is to assume that the state represents society. The irony here is rich indeed! For the society as a whole to achieve welfare, the composite units of society must surrender their rights to a power monopoly ordained with the power to arrange society according to its perception, all in the name of the societal good.
Oh and I'm starting to dislike progressive tax. I mean, I've never liked it all along because it stinks of income redistribution AND now as we've learnt, constitutes a disincentive to be more productive. The irritation is then compounded by the absurdity of tax filing which incidentally, took me up till 1 am last night in a vain attempt to do it online which by the way, never works. The flat tax is beginning to sound more and more attractive for many reasons which I shall not list here until I can confirm my intuition.
Oh and XJ, can't be bothered to edit my entries. Just assume that all typos are that, typos and not faulty grammar even if technically, typos do tend to look like faulty grammar.
I need to do my sets. Shit.
C'est tout.
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