Saturday, April 01, 2006

Blank Doll dreams at night.

Yesterday night, I dreamt of Hew Ting again. This time, she really came back because of some sort of agreement concerning her soul. No, she didn't go to hell you silly Christians. I don't believe in hell.

So I was creeping around school exploring all the nooks and crannies that miraculously appeared, as if RJ really was that huge. Then somehow I ended up at that place at the reservoir where there's this dam which in turn results in a piece of dry land next to the river even though the relief is so different. The place was slowly being flooded and we had fun trying to get out of it because there were all these other people parachuting into the water.

Then I dreamt that I was at the supermarket buying ham. Why ham? I don't know. But finally I returned back to school and saw Xuan, so at first I greeted her and wondered who's that girl standing next to her. Then it struck me that she looked like Hew Ting, then it struck me that it was Hew Ting. As usual, I cried.

Ah Hew Ting, my good friend. Is this how I shall see you from now on? In my dreams only? You know all of us miss you. Come into my dreams more often!

Oh my god, today is seriously a busy day. I've got to rush my sis to French, rush her back home, have lunch, rush to school for r project rehearsals, possibly rush back home to take a shower or go with them to buy stuff for the party and then rush to James' house for the party. Whew. Haha, oh did I mention that I still haven't gotten around to doing the Econs S work?

Sorry XJ and Tong.

Oh and I must thank She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named here for getting Denise and I the tickets for yesterday's fashion show because it was really great. It also re-affirmed my drive to become a fashion designer because Givenchy totally sucked and if I couldn't design better menswear, I wouldn't put anything on a runway. I'm not going to critique the collection because I don't have the time but undoubtedly, it's affirmed my idea that clothes don't have to be boring to be wearable. Also, the cut is important of course but it is the little details like the fabric or the buttons that matter.

I love the music. I need to get that music. Where the hell do they get such good music? The bass, the bass was sooo good.

C'est tout.


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