Thursday, August 02, 2007

Blank Doll


And Urban is so depressing. Seriously, I've only begun reading the Straits Times this year because there is nothing else to do in the office when you're so efficient you finish all your work before lunch time. Nonetheless, it took all of like 1/2 an issue before Urban annoyed me. What IS up with the outdated fashion news, the really bad styling, the "this is so IT" trend that is actually two seasons late, the ugly reintepretation of runway styles, the HEYGOODLOOKING(!!) section and of course, the Pocky Woman and her weird tidbits. Dried seaweed with crispy sesame seeds is so not glam food.

Moving on. After my catastrophic attempts at re-enacting my apple dumplings and then the time when I almost melted the oven with my incandescent egg tarts, GOD took pity and gave me success. HELLO, perfect little cream puffs filled with honey pastry cream and then brown sugar langues des chats. If I make these and sell at my Dad's shop, I could increase my income again! Haha, life is sweet.

In other words, my family is going to, oh the irony, Malaysia on National Day. I cannot believe it. I hate that place, no wait, I despise the place. Nevertheless, I expect lots of cheap hawker fare and weird inexpensive little things to buy along with bird's nest. Oh wait, bird's nest is in Indonesia.

Anyway, meetings meetings MORE meetings and then Malaysia and then yet MORE MEETINGS, a trip to the *ahem* Docteur, meetings, dinner at macaron, a peek at somebody's drawer, signing up for driving lessons, for sewing lessons and so much more.

Life is suddenly too short.

C'est tout.


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