Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blank Doll fumes.

We live at the heart of a new darkness that is the enslavery of the world at large to the appetites of a privileged few. What and how we eat have spawned a faceless industrial empire unanswerable to none save those who would gain from it. This is the age of the industrialists and the gastrocracy. It is a travesty, a perversion of ecological rationale from which none of us are free.

We force-feed our animals food they were never meant to ingest, we subject them to cannibalism, we huddle and oppress them like so many objects devoid of life. Eerily similar to the first ages of capitalism, we have mechanized, harnessed and exploited life in the name of profit. It is a vast monstrosity of a food industry gorged on corn and petroleum aided by the chicanery of marketing and food processing. We think that corn-fed beef is virtuous, that margarine is better than butter, that fast food is edible. We have washed our hands off the daily brutality of obtaining food, we have turned our backs on the cattle which we kill for food, the victimised farmer, the streams of filth and corruption that flow outwards from the heart of this profound darkness.

Transfat, HFCS, xantham gum, the hydrolysis of corn into a million different things, the degeneration of nature's bounty to nothing but the chemical building blocks of the next great food fad, the subjugation of the land's resources for the satiation of our unholy gluttony and now, we add the corruption of organic food. Imagine the shock, the indignation, the revulsion, the resignation and then the seething cynicism of the people who thought to revolutionize the food industry. People who thought they could give back to this industry its soul, could reconnect our fundamental need for food to the telluric wisdom of life itself. Yet Whole Foods begin to resemble Walmart and McDonald's adopt the rhetoric of the green.

Therein lies the bitterest irony, none of us can be free from the tyranny of this system. Our working poor are ravaged by cheap unhealthy calories, farmers all over the whole continue to suffer from low prices while we at large must eventually bear the cost of our unwholesome practices. Short of growing your own food, none of us are exempt from guilt. It is from this hopeless morass that comes our abject failure as stewards of a benign deity on earth. We have sought to sustain life by producing ever more food but at the expense of other forms of life and even now, the less privileged among us pay for it. The farmers, the starving children in the global South who must go hungry because of the perverse economics that guide the food industry and above all, our future generations. We are a civilisation whose consumption patterns may only be sustained by the destruction of the land's regenerative mechanisms.

You cannot put something into your mouth, be it organic, fast food, free range chicken, beef patties, GM-free vegetables, pasteurised milk, breakfast cereal, Twiggies, gummy bears, salt or apple juice without playing accomplice to this inspired evil that now lies at the heart of the modern, globalised monoculture.

Bon Appetit.

C'est tout.


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