Monday, November 13, 2006

Blank Doll sits down.

It says alot about me when I always prepare myself for confrontation but am lost when somebody treats me nicely. Annoying.

My birthday was a great day! Haha, Daddy bought me the to-die-for shoes that I would have sold my soul for because they were on sale and then I bought a pair of cufflinks. French was fun and after that, I went out for a spot of shopping with June from my French class which was even better. The Ferragamo sale is so worth it!

So I was late for dinner right and Mummy told me to hurry back home. I promptly took the wrong train and so spent half an hour trying to get back home by which time it was eight.

Anyway, I entered the house and *boo* surprise! Did I mention that I hate surprises? Well, I still do but this surprise was nice. Ying, Xuan and Tzhock were there which was quite a surprise indeed since everyone must have been so busy preparing for the As. Mummy had ordered a buffet and her friends were there, trust her to come up with such a thing. So I had to push aside my dread because I really needed the time to revise because I was just touched that my friends had bothered. I mean, seriously, it sort of scares me to be eighteen.

We talked alot, renewed amity, Xuan bakes (ok, half prepares) the best cornflakes-in-a-cup and Ying has established this tradition where she buys me famous amos cookies every year. Tzhock was really sweet and gave me a swiss army knife although I'm not really sure what to use it for.

So I want to thank everyone because that was just really sweet, especially because I'm not a sweet sort of person which makes me awfully guilty now.

And then there was today's lit paper. I hate it. Come to think of it, Liyana made sense when she said the paper was too easy. It wasn't a brag, it was said with indignation. I mean, come on UCLES, give us some credit- straight forward character questions? What a cheap shot. Oh, and what's with the weird thematic questions? I had to do the context questions (help, help, help) even though I've never done context questions in the two years of my life at RJC.

This promises to be a weird examination run which means that I don't care if I didn't get straight As because I know I deserve (almost) straight As and the paper was weird.

Then, there's the question of Econs S.


C'est tout.


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