Blank Doll talks.
I hate the phrase oedipus complex. It seems so robbed of its meaning when people just take it to mean a perversion of love. I think people miss the point about the story then or Freud was just deliberately being obtuse. Oedipus is tragic because his is a tale about the helplessness of Man before fate. It is about the ignorance and baseness of humankind, that we cannot escape from the grasp of the gods. That it happens to the son of royalty and not some peasant's get only highlights the delusion of mankind to its ability to control its destiny. It is the tale of punishment for hubris not pronounced. This is why it is tragic, that fate may play with mankind to make tragedy so farcical, to make man such a fool for daring to stiffen his back before the presence of divinity.
Yet it is not the fault of fate. It is Man's fault for it is Oedipus who returns to his father, who weds his mother. It is by the hand of Man that Man is punished for his misguided sense of power.
That works better I think.
C'est tout.
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