Monday, July 31, 2006

Blank Doll asks for a favour.

This may sound strange but I've always wished that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew were my grandfather. All right, no surprise there and I'm sure there will be those who, in their bid to be helpful, will remind me that if he really were my grandfather, I'd have had perished the thought of doing fashion design.

But there is some quality that the man possesses, some sort of charisma and authority that make him such a admirable figure. I do not at all think that he tries hard to cling to power, that is the talk of young cynics and I fancy to think that youths who express such views do so only to hide their immaturity or ignorance. This is a man who fought for Singapore's independence, who together with his fellow colleagues brought Singapore to where we are today. This is the man who cried before a nation when at that darkest moment in our history, everything seemed to have been lost. This is the man who has enabled us today to lift our heads up high as Singaporeans. He is paternal, no-nonsense in his discipline of his children and his people but also benevolent. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is the rare politician who sees his country's fortunes as his fortunes and so strive to the betterment of both. It may very well be that placed in another country, Mr Lee Kuan Yew may never have become the great man that he is, but placed in another country, Singapore would never have become the great country that we are today.

I am scared. Truly scared for Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is old. It is the same fear and worry that a grandchild may have when faced with the prospect with the imminent passing of his beloved grandparent. He has been the light of Singapore, upon his words do we set the compass of our nation. Where will we go from here without him? We have leaders after him of course, but who among them may approximate his strength, his foresight and his vigour? So I pray everyday, pray that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew may live for as long as he will. I believe I have grown to love this man who because he sees himself as the grandfather of the nation, has come to be like a grandfather to me.

C'est tout.


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