Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blank Doll recaps.

6th December 2005

Xuan and I spent a really great day together. Haha, so it was filled with alot of running around without knowing where we actually wanted to go but heck, it was fun while it lasted!

Met her at Raffles Place because I thought the DBS Arts Centre was there. I was supposed to redeem and then purchase some tickets for the Snow Queen and for some strange reason, I fancied the DBS Arts Centre to be at Raffles Place. Well, we did manage to find OCBC, UOB, OUB and even Citibank but no DBS. After a lot of retracking and winding around Raffles Place (lunch hour!!), we were extremely hungry and frustrated too. It's a good thing Xuan took it in good cheer because otherwise, I'd have been really pissed off.

She called her dad, I called Tong and Alps. No use. So I decided to use the cherished Rafflesian trick, call cab. It is a good thing we didn't attempt to walk to the place because it was rather far away. Upon arriving at the DBS Arts Centre which incidentally, is flanked by quite a number of excellent restaurants and also un petit patisserie et chocolatier, we went a-sought for the door of the centre. It is perhaps with a sense of malhumour that we chanced upon a well-meaning lady who gave us really precise, but also really wrong directions.

Yes, by a queer strike of planning, the DBS Arts Centre Office is situated next to the washroom, within the corridor leading to the washroom. If this doesn't strike you as strange then you clearly do not get out often. Opening the door, we were told to proceed downstairs where the BOX OFFICE was. Ah, everything started to make sense.

So we went downstairs and the Italian-speaking man at the restaurant probably sighted us for the fifth time. I have taken the liberty of not noting the internecine confusion that took place. At last, we stumbled into the Repetory Theatre where I purchased my tickets and Xuan allowed herself the little happiness that one gets from taking really cute zo cards.

Cabbing down to Esplanade, really, cabbing can be addictive as well as, well, dirty. Think of all that good, wholesome walking one forsakes! For shame! But I digress. Thereafter, Xuan bought a few sheaths of paper from Papier where I learnt with much delight though probably little surprise that she's really turning her anime into publication and that there may be a chance that I could pop into Papier and partake of a craft lesson held by her. Such talented, benign and gifted friends I have. Haha, ok, pardon that.

I bought a roll of string because my sister's genius of an origami christmas tree needed some. Really, come to my place on Christmas Eve for the tree as much as for my dad's food and my mother's hospitality. Anyway, we then went to look at the Skagen watch that I absolutely must have, to which she replied that it looked rather odd, with the black face and titanium chain. Ah well, I have my own dictum of taste and none shall gainsay it as far as I am concerned. Passing by Papier once more, the really nice person ran out to pass me my change. The wonders of good service, really, youths should not endeavour to work in the service industry unless they can render such impeccable service with the gravity of sincerity.

On to Citylink where I bought some stuff from L'Occitane for mes parents. Suffice to say, it cost me quite a sum. The love one feels from such charity is a love cursed by folly I tell you. Xuan and I then proceeded to Raffles City where we sat down to pizza and drinks. Haha, the Pizze Place is nice enough. Any place that can serve me a plain cheese pizza is nice enough. Therein concluded a brief conversation on the rationale behind using utensils to partake of pizza. Enough said.

Then on to my mother's office. It was an errand. Ca suffit. Then we went for ice cream! I bought a black sesame and Xuan had a green tea. They were delicious although Xuan's was a little droopy from being scalded by a too-hot scoop.

Next stop, Taka. I bought something from Kino for ma petite soeur and Xuan bought comics for herself. Haha, and I swear I shall soon buy un roman francais and muddle my way through it. Je promis! In any case, having purchased what we wanted from Kino, we left amidst conversation about the genteel propriety of les dames japonaise d'un age certain. Xuan treated me to lemonade. Such generosity. Really, I find the little amicabilities of solid friendship especially touching.

Tangs then. I bought a certain pen for my dear father while Xuan bought certain things for her sister. We had a lot of fun choosing stuff and ogling at the Vertu collection. For those of you who cannot comprehend the virtues of a Vertu phone, I say shame on you. Oh and Xuan learnt a new thing! French cuffs! Haha, tis handy, to have a walking dictionary of clothes.

All in all, a really great shopping trip where I spent probably half a thousand on four people. I shall languish in poverty for the next month or so. Oh and to end it, Xuan and I took the bus home where we had the greatest conversation. Truly, when a Rafflesian meets a HCJC student, things of happen.

C'est tout.


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