Monday, September 04, 2006

Blank Doll smiles and sits still

Day 2 of my New and Improved General Health regime and I'm not doing very well on the dietary side. Sure, I went for another round of HIC which totally winded me. But I also ate a bowl of cereal, a slice of toasted wholemeal with nutella, a bowl of noodles with cream stew, a bowl of pumpkin soup, two morsels of biscuit and too much Japanese food for dinner. I've been drinking alot of water though. Now I've eaten two detox pills and hopefully, I'll be rid of all the food I've eaten before my body notices. Can't do weights today because thanks to self-destructive nature yesterday, hurt my left arm while doing hammer curls. Damn, those things are hard.

ANYWAY. I made cookies today. Stupidly used self-raising flour instead of plain flour and now my cookies are hollow. Rather cute I think, and they taste good too. This could of course be due to the fact that I dumped in the entire bag of chocolate chips because I couldn't be bothered to weigh them.

I'm a genius at planning meals. It's the execution that leaves so much to be desired.

The prelims are coming and I feel remarkably calm. Sooner or later, I just know I'll kick start properly. When I do I'll be sure to tell you so that you can properly accuse me of mugging instead of groundlessly insisting that I must be secretly studying everytime I'm busy doing something other than breathe. Why must I even be studying secretly eh? What's so bad about studying?

You know what's bad? When you reduce learning to nothing but a song and dance for Cambridge. Nothing but a sham. Now that's bad.

C'est tout.


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