Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blank Doll sighs.

Thanks to Mindef, Mummy's plan to take the entire family to Paris at the end of the year is now in a precarious situation. Grr.

My dear little sister bought a gameset yesterday. Cluedo, was it? Rather fun, I'd say. We stayed up till 1 30 am playing the game and I won two out of four rounds. Would have won the last round too as it were but my dear little sister also tricked me though she may protest.

French is getting increasingly difficult. Really, who cares if we faire d'accord pour les verbes prominaux s'il y a de COD avant ou si c'est les verbes refliches et pas reciprochal. The thing is, in the end, when you speak, it's all going to sound the same anyway since sibilance is a hated thing in French.

Meanwhile, please don't bomb IMF. Please don't protest and march in front of IMF. Please do arrest and deport the lot of them. I detest dissent. I don't understand why adults think it a necessary feature of youth to like dissent. I like a polity that runs like clockwork, that strives for perfection, that streamlines and adapts itself discretionally instead of arbitrarily.

Ok, nevermind.

Ooh, quotes of the day!

"It was a mad fantastical usurp the beggary he was never born to"

"Even now, China wraps double binds around my feet"

"I am overtired of the great harvest I once desired."

"Your virtue is your greatest affectation."

"All Europe contributed to the making of Kurtz."

"What thing is this outward form of Man to be much beloved?"

Feel free to correct them.

C'est tout.


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