Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Blank Doll

Customer service at Amex Platinum can be annoying, especially when you don't speak good English. Which was why mummy was very annoyed and asked me to call them up. Absurd I tell you. Anyway, the lesson that people ought to learn is that good English gets you things. Nice little girls who went to nice schools that equipped them with the Singapore equivalent of a posh accent can be polite and nice and detest the scenes that people create when they are affronted by bad service but really, there is no way around it. If you're going to be offended, then do it till the end.

Ah well, rant enough.

OK, I am quite happy with my results but now I am deathly fearful for my A levels because this feels so much like a repetition of my O levels.

GP: A2(br)
Literature: A(br)
History: A(br)
Economics: A(br)

Ah well, I shall need a week of cooling off before I start working again or I'll peak before the exams and die. This exam was harrowing, largely because my As were by the skin of my teeth, to use a favourite expression of Mrs. Chia, and I'm not too sure if I deserved them even though I did study for them. We all know of course, what Sean defines by study though I am very proud of myself for actually doing all those neat essays for practice though since most of them were SEA history essays, they didn't really pay off considering that the paper that saved my life was Int history.

Life can be strange at times.

See?! I didn't gloat one bit! Whoever told you I was going to gloat? You really take too dim a view of me sometimes.

C'est tout.


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